Pool Discharge Permit Application

In the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, a permit is required to discharge pool, spa or fountain water to the sanitary sewer system.

It's easy and free to obtain a permit. Simply complete this form and submit it to the CCCSD Source Control Section for review. Permits are reviewed within 72 hours of receipt. Approved permits will be valid for a two-week period. We will contact you if there are questions regarding your application.

Have questions or need help? You may contact the CCCSD Source Control Section.

Hours of operation: Monday-Friday, 8am-5pm
(925) 229-7288

Pool/Spa Location

* CA

Pool/Spa Owner Information

*   Example: 555-555-1212
  Example: 555-555-1212
Is the mailing address the same as the Pool/Spa location?

Discharge Quality

Is this a saltwater pool/spa?
Is there a large amount of solids in the water?    What's this?
Have copper algaecides been used to treat this pool/spa or is there potential for high concentrations of copper in the water?    What's this?
* (0-14 units)    What's this?

Discharge Details

Will a maintenance company or contractor be handling the discharge?

Permits will be automatically issued for a two-week period.

Would you like to request a longer time period?
Note: Discharge to a sanitary sewer manhole is prohibited.
* gallons

Discharge Flow rate will automatically be set to a maximum of 20 gallons/minute. Requests for flow rates greater than 20 gpm will take more time to review, may delay permit issuance and may not be approved (depends on volume of discharge, sewer pipe size, etc.). Requests for flow rates greater than 50 gpm may be charged a permit fee. If you request a higher flow rate, an inspector will contact you to discuss the circumstances.

Would you like to request a higher flow rate?